Different Ways To Help Ensure You Have A Safe Office For Your New Business

The UK has legislation that covers the workplace and ensures that employers must provide a safe working environment for their employees. When you are new to running a business, there are lots of factors when designing your office space that you must consider. Failing to adhere to the rules and legislation about workplace safety can get you into a lot of trouble, so you must ensure you take it seriously. Below are some of the areas you must focus on to show you how much there is to consider that can help you when setting up your first office and employing people.

First Aid

Your office will need a first aid station to take care of minor accidents in the workplace, and you will also need a dedicated first aid officer in your company to deal with these events. Your dedicated first aider will need a relevant and recognised qualification, and many companies are running courses that would be suitable. You will also need to keep an accident log and ensure that any accidents, large or small, are recorded.

Fire Alarm & Lights

You will also need a fire alarm and emergency lights in your office space that will come on should a fire start. The emergency lights show people in the office the fire escapes so that people can easily leave the building if they need to. The emergency lighting must have a battery backup so they will work should the power be cut, and these must also be tested regularly.

Trip Hazards

You will also need to ensure that there are no trip hazards in our office that can cause an accident. If there are trip hazards and someone has an accident, you can potentially face a lawsuit, so you must also train your staff and record their training to show they have been taught about avoiding these hazards.


You may also need to provide training to your staff for other things, such as materials handling. Even in offices, it is common for people to lift and carry things, and you must show them the correct way to minimise the risk of getting hurt. The training must also be recorded so if someone does have an accident and hurts themselves, they cannot sue your company for compensation when they do things incorrectly.

A Clean Office

You will also need to ensure that your office is clean and hygienic, which may require you hiring a regular cleaner to clean it. The toilets and kitchen area must be cleaned daily including cups, plates and cutlery, and bins emptied daily, which can be a fire hazard. You must also provide toilet paper, soap, and towels to dry your hands when opening an office and ensure you always have these available.

These are only a few factors you must consider that can ensure your new office space complies with the health and safety legislation, but there are many more to consider. It is worth talking to a specialist company to help you with this and ensure your office complies as a new business owner and is a safe place to work.