What are the causes of yellow teeth, and how do you avoid them? 

Yellow teeth are a sign that your dental health is not good, and you have to take care of your dental health. It never looks hygienic and attractive; thus, you must adopt techniques to avoid these yellow teeth. Various kinds of methods are available to get rid of yellow teeth, among which are some toothpaste and mouthwashes that help you clean the teeth. But, the overall dependence of clean teeth is how you brush them effectively to get rid of yellow teeth. 

If you are in Valley Village, you can consult an expert Valley Village dentist who can help you provide significant information about yellow teeth and how to get rid of them. 

What are the Significant Causes of Yellow Teeth? 

There can be various reasons that can cause yellow teeth, which include genetic issues, and some can be causes that are preventable. So, let’s discuss some of the essential causes of yellow teeth: 

  • Genetic Issues: There are some cases in which the tooth color is associated with genetics. There are crooked teeth available due to genetics, and similarly, we can find the yellow teeth due to genetics. If this is the cause of the yellow teeth, then it becomes difficult to solve the issue as there are various factors associated with this problem. 
  • Age: Age also plays a significant role in yellow teeth as it can affect the enamel, which can cause the discoloration of the teeth. The enamel that protects the teeth wears down due to age, and thus, the dentin is visible. When this dentin becomes visible, it is already a bit yellow, and when the enamel wears down, it further increases the color yellow.
  • Antibiotics: If there is a high use of antibiotics, then there is a reaction that leaves a yellow stain on the teeth. The antibiotics, especially at the age of eight, can leave a permanent mark on the teeth and make them yellow. It is caused by calcium deposits in yellow on the teeth that make them difficult to remove. 
  • Food and drinks stain: In some cases, the impact of food and drinks is significant and leaves a mark on the teeth. Some food products and beverages such as tea, coffee, cola drinks, dark-pigmented juices, and other edible items can leave a mark on their teeth. 

How to Prevent Yellow Teeth? 

  • Avoid stained food and beverages such as tea, coffee, and other food products. 
  • Maintain oral hygiene by brushing daily and flossing that will remove unwanted bacteria. 
  • Rinse your mouth appropriately so that it will remove the food remnants from your mouth. 
  • If you face any issues, then you must visit a doctor to find a solution to your problems and help you turn your yellow teeth into white.